Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

Topic - Solid Waste

Identify and inventory all your wastes.

Your first step should be to conduct a walk through of your facility and compile an inventory of every waste. Inspect storage areas, laboratories and dumpsters as well as checking with purchasing, production and maintenance and office employees to identify potential waste. Include sewered and recycled wastes, off specification, expired shelf life or unusable materials, office wastes and any other wastes associated with your facility. Consider your fleet operations, maintenance activities, cafeteria, and production processes. Employees' knowledge of specific facility operations will help during the walk through.

The following Waste Inventory Sheets will help you inventory and begin categorizing your wastes during your walk through. These sheets will also be helpful as you continue through the next several small business web pages.

Waste Inventory Sheets and Instructions Portable Document Format - icon (PDF, 131 KB)

Waste Inventory Sheets and Instructions (Microsoft Word)

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