Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer
Topic - Storm water Management (Construction and Operational)
Thank you for connecting to the Department of Natural Resources, Small Business Assistance Web Site, Storm water Management!
The goal of the Storm water Program is to prevent the movement of pollutants to Wisconsin's water resources by ways of runoff. To achieve this goal, there are two types of storm water permits: Construction and Operational. Construction permits focus in on land disturbing activities that a business may perform when building or expanding.
Operational permits focus in on the activities that occur as part of the businesses operations (outside storage, utilization of heavy equipment).
The following pages will help you determine if you need a permit prior to site construction and/or whether your facility needs an operational storm water permit.
First we must determine if you need a construction storm water permit.
you a new commercial business?
A commercial business is one that purchases goods wholesale and operates a retail location where they sell directly to the public. Examples include:
Gas stations
Box stores (e.g. K-Mart)
Grocery stores