Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

Topic - Air Management

Thank you for connecting to the Department of Natural Resources, Small Business Assistance Web Site, Air Management!


Crisp, clean air on an autumn afternoon

The DNR Air Program tends to be one of the more difficult programs for businesses to understand. It is also, unfortunately, an area where a business can become "non-compliant" very quickly. As a business, it is very important that you understand the term start of construction. This term must be strictly adhered to so as not to potentially fall into a violation. If a construction permit is required by your business, the project cannot begin until the permit is obtained.

This portion of the web page will assist you in determining your status. Please remember that this web page is intended to help small businesses. Businesses with large-scale operations, or even small- to medium-sized businesses located in the nonattainment areas in the state, will have more complex issues to deal with during the permit process and should contact DNR air staff instead of using this permit exemption tool.

It's always a good idea to establish a working relationship with your local DNR air staff. If you need to contact DNR for assistance at any time, please see the link along the left margin. You can also contact The Department of Commerce's Small Business Clean Air Assistance Program (SBCAAP). SBCAAP serves as a free, confidential, and non-regulatory resource to small business owners around the state.

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NOTE: If your business does not have any listed activities, click on "Completed Permit Primer" button below.

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