Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

Topic - Solid Waste

Arrow - iconDoes your facility generate any of these solid wastes listed below that are banned from landfills?

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NOTE: press ALT then F4 to close any pop-up windows - all links found in the table below.

Office paper, newspaper, magazines, corrugated cardboard, aluminum cans, steel (tin) cans, plastic containers (#1&2), glass bottles & jars, major appliances, waste tires, used motor oil & filters, & yard wastes:

Waste Reduction and Recycling: A Guide for the Workplace

Portable Document Format - icon

Office paper, newspaper, magazines, & corrugated cardboard.


HTML - icon

Aluminum cans, steel (tin) cans, aerosol cans, & major appliances.


HTML - icon

Plastic containers
(#1 & 2).


HTML - icon

Glass bottles & jars.


HTML - icon

Tires, motor oil & filters.

Motor Vehicle Items HTML - icon

Used motor oil filters.

Recycle Used Motor Oil Filters: A Fact Sheet for Businesses & Institutions

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Used motor oil.

Used Oil Management HTML - icon

Yard waste.

Organic Materials HTML - icon

Yard materials: grass clippings, leaves, & brush.

Yard Care, Do Your Share
Portable Document Format - icon


For each of these wastes that you generate, fill in the following information on the Waste Inventory Sheet:

  • Under "waste type" check "solid", because these wastes are regulated as non-hazardous solid wastes.
  • Under "comment" write "do not landfill", because all of these materials can be recycled and are banned from disposal in solid waste landfills in Wisconsin.

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