Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

Pollution Prevention Links - Small Businesses

WIP2 Web Page (Exit DNR)

This website, The Wisconsin Pollution Partnership (WIP2), is a collaborative effort of Wisconsin's Department of Commerce, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and UW-Extension. It provides essential information to help companies cost-effectively reduce waste and find innovative ways to move beyond environmental compliance. The site lists news, services, publications, staff contacts, compliance information, and upcoming events from Wisconsin's pollution prevention programs.

Water Supply

WaterWiser, The Water Efficiency Clearinghouse (Exit DNR)

Water Efficiency Manual (North Carolina DNR) (Exit DNR)

This information-packed guide -- created for businesses in North Carolina, but of value to companies anywhere -- provides a wealth of resources on water conservation and efficiency. Tips, checklists, and success stories are supplemented with background information to help facility managers plan and budget water-efficiency projects, seek buy-in and support from top management, and integrate water efficiency into facility upgrades and new construction. Sections include industry-specific information for textile manufacturers, food processors, and metal finishers, along with auditing methodology and tools suitable for any company.

Water Efficiency and Management in Commercial Buildings (Exit DNR)

The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority's Water Efficiency and Management in Commercial Buildings Web site details how commercial buildings can save water. Through case study examples and generalized action steps, the online document lays out how to use water more efficiently. It covers all facets of a building, from the grounds to the boiler room. (Exit DNR)

Facility Manager's Guide to Water Management (Exit DNR)

This comprehensive, 120-page guide is a facility manager’s dream, complete with step-by-step advice, implementation steps, worksheets, forms, checklists, and diagrams. It covers a broad spectrum of water-management issues, from plumbing fixtures to cooling towers to landscaping. In addition to the wealth of implementation help, there is also model paycheck stuffers and other devices to help foster employee participation, sample press materials for promoting company efforts -- even "Fun Filler Facts" to use in company newsletters and other publications.

Storm water

Sediment, Erosion Control and Long-term Storm water Management (photo essay)

Storm water Retrofitting (photo essay)


Solid Waste

Hazardous Waste

Waterway & Wetland Permits


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