Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer
Helpful Logos, Left Margin Links & Icons!
The title "Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer" at the top of this page and all others tells you you're in the DNR Small Business Web system. If you don't see the logo, you should hit your browser's "back" button to return to these pages. Occasionally, you will have the option of exiting the Small Business Web pages to review a pdf file or other information source. Please make sure to return to the "Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer" pages to continue on to the next topic.
Other helpful left margin links and icons
- when you need DNR staff contact information (phone numbers, coverage areas, email) look for this along the left margin.
- Look for definitions on complex words or phrases along with frequently asked questions and answers on the left margin.
- Pollution Prevention Saves! Whenever you see this icon, look
for a link to a special stand-alone web page that provides suggestions
on how to minimize waste, substitute materials, or conserve natural
resources. These suggestions could potentially save your business
money and will protect our environment.
whenever you see this clock image you will find out when your
permit or plan needs to be completed.
Look for permit fee information when you see the green dollar