Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

Completing a Renewal Application

If you were issued an Air Pollution Operation Permit approximately 3-4 years ago, you will need to begin working on a Renewal Application for that permit. The original permit is valid for a maximum of 5 years.

There are two ways to submit your renewal application:

You could...

- submit a condensed application that only identifies that either there were no changes at your facility since the original operation permit was issued or the changes were approved under other permit processes and the department already has the documentation.

The following forms will need to be completed (pdf links below - opens in new window): Forms 4530-100 through 4530-102B, 4530-134

Link to Section 1 Forms (Exit DNR) (PDF, 44KB)Portable Document Format icon

Link to Appendices M and N

- the checklist from Appendix M and the summary table from Appendix N (PDF, 10 KB) Portable Document Format icon



- if you have made several changes to your process or made changes that you did not convey to the Department (but also did not need a construction permit), you will need to submit the Renewal Form (4530-136) and any other applicable pages from the full application process:

Link to Revision or Renewal Forms (Exit DNR) (PDF, 18 KB - opens in new window) Portable Document Format - icon

Link to Operation Permit Process (opens in new window)

If there were changes at your facility that were exempt from construction permit requirements, then the department is not likely to have any documentation. In that case, you will need to complete or update any applicable forms to provide that information with the renewal application.

If you submit just the forms that were modified for renewal applications, the department will rely on your existing application(s) in our files to perform the renewal application review for your operations. Any renewal application will also need to contain two documents from the Instruction Booklet (opens in new window):

- the checklist from Appendix M and the summary table from Appendix N Portable Document Format - icon(PDF, 10 KB)


As a result of changes at your facility during the five year permit term, the status of your facility may have changed. If the potential emissions from your facility have changed during the five year permit term, you may want to provide revised calculations to show that your permit status has changed. The method for calculating potential emissions is outlined in Appendix G of the Instruction Booklet. The following are possible scenarios of how your potential emissions may have changed and how to reflect that in your renewal application:

Synthetic Minor or Minor Sources Becoming Major Sources

If you have made changes that increased your emissions to the extent of a major source, you will now need to update your application to meet all the requirements for major sources. At a minimum you need to complete forms 4530-118 through 4530-125 and 4530-130 through 4530-133 for all units at your facility. Any other applicable forms will need to be completed for the changes the department is not aware of yet.

Major Sources Becoming Synthetic Minor Sources

If you are a major source under your current operation permit and wish to take restrictions to limit your emissions to levels below the major source levels, provide details on the restrictions you propose to take on form 4530-136.

Major or Synthetic Minor Sources Becoming Minor Sources

If your facility is a major source or a synthetic minor source and changes made during the permit term have permanently reduced your potential emissions to below the major source sufficient to make you a minor source, detail those changes in your renewal application.

Sources Becoming Exempt from Operation Permit Requirements

If you have made changes at your facility that somehow decrease your emissions to a level where your facility is now exempt from operation permit requirements, detail the changes in your renewal application and note the fact that you are now exempt from operation permit requirement on form 4530-136.

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