Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

Compliance Responsibilities With A Permit

Even if your small business has been issued a construction or operation air permit, there are several other compliance-related issues you need to be aware of. You may need to complete periodic compliance certification forms, perform stack testing, regularly inspect your facility and maintain records on specified activities or materials, to name a few.

We've designed this page to simplify the process by providing you with links to the following general compliance or industry-specific resources:

General Compliance Issues (links open in new window):

Simple Calculations Worksheet for VOCs and HAPs (Exit DNR) - An Excel spreadsheet with the basic formulas for keeping records of your monthly VOC and HAP emissions is available to get you started. Save it to your hard drive as soon as the file opens.

Are you Aware of EPA's New Enforcement Policy? (Exit DNR)Portable document format - icon (PDF, 32 KB) If Not… Learn About High Priority Violations (HPV) - A description of the USEPA's enforcement policy effective October 1999 and how it might affect small businesses.

A DNR Air Program Inspector is Coming… What Can I Expect? (Exit DNR) Portable document format - icon(PDF, 36 KB) A fact sheet describing the things you might expect during an inspection and some items you should be prepared with upon the arrival of the inspector.

State Hazardous Air Pollutants (Exit DNR) Portable document format - icon(PDF, 53 KB) A fact sheet describing the state hazardous air pollutant rule in ch. NR 445, Wis. Adm. Code. Includes a description of possible exemptions as well as how the review process works.

The Hazardous Air Pollutant Guide (Exit DNR) Portable document format - icon(PDF, 307 KB) An instructional booklet to help you through the complex calculations to determine exactly how the state hazardous air pollutant rule applies to you.

Hazardous Air Pollutant List (Exit DNR) An interactive MS Excel spreadsheet that can show you the thresholds in the state rule for each of the HAPs that you emit. Just place an X in the Select column and then choose the X option from the drop down menu in the top row of that column and only the information on your HAPs should be shown. Save it to your hard drive as soon as the file opens.

The Organic Compound Rule in s. NR 424.03 (Exit DNR) Portable document format - icon(PDF, 48 KB) Any source with a process line that has organic compound emissions may have to comply with these requirements, and may find this applicable even if they are exempt from an air pollution permit.

Stack Testing Requirements (coming soon)
Odors from your Business (coming soon)

Annual Emissions Inventory reporting (coming soon)

Industry-specific Issues: (Portable document format - iconor HTML links)
(NOTE: The following links will take you to either a Web page on compliance assistance, a PDF form from DNR or EPA, or an order form from Department of Commerce to obtain a hard copy of larger documents.)



DNR’s Sector page (CAC)

Secondary Aluminum MACT for Sweat
Furnaces at Salvage Yards

Industrial Adhesives RACT


Miscellaneous Metal Parts RACT (CAC)

Plastic Parts RACT

Initial Notification Report RACT

VOC RACT Rules in General

Motor Vehicle Refinishing RACT

Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework
Industry MACT

Air Permit Exemption for Auto Body


Autobody repair emissions calculation
worksheet (MS Excel) (CAC)


Flexographic & Rotogravure Printing

Lithographic Printing RACT

Chromium Electroplating MACT

MTE Calculation Sheet

Guidebook on How to Comply with Cr
NESHAP (EPA-453/B-95-001)

Compliance Certification Form

Initial Notification Report

Recordkeeping Form for All Fountain

Notice of Compliance Status

Recordkeeping Form for Refrigerated
Fountain Solutions

Ongoing Monitoring Records

Recordkeeping Forms for Blanket or
Roller Washes (Exempt, Not Exempt)

Ongoing Compliance Status Report


Notification of Performance Test

EPA’s Sector page

Work Practice Standards

NSPS Testing Requirements



DNR’s Sector Page

DNR’s Sector page

Dry Cleaning MACT

Wood Furniture Manufacturing RACT

Guidebook for Perc Dry Cleaners

Wood Furniture Manufacturing
Operations MACT, with attachment.

Perc Dry Cleaners Recommended
O&M Practices

Initial Notification Report (MACT)

Initial Notification Report

Initial Notification and Compliance

Compliance Status Report

Emissions Averaging Notification

FOR 2002 (all hard copy forms
for Dry Cleaner are in calendar format)

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