Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

Pollution prevention iconGeneral

Material Substitution/Pollution Prevention

There are several ways to save money and minimize permitting paperwork depending on whether your business can substitute a process or material to a more environmentally-friendly alternative. If your business has any of the following operations or uses any of the following materials, please read on!

Reducing VOCs, NOx, SO2, CO and Lead Emissions (see link below)

WIP2 Web Page (Exit DNR)

This website, The Wisconsin Pollution Partnership (WIP2), is a collaborative effort of Wisconsin's Department of Commerce, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and UW-Extension. It provides essential information to help companies cost-effectively reduce waste and find innovative ways to move beyond environmental compliance. The site lists news, services, publications, staff contacts, compliance information, and upcoming events from Wisconsin's pollution prevention programs.

Green Profit Pollution Prevention In Practice (Exit DNR)

GreenProfit features practical information on hundreds of pollution prevention measures and many examples of their application in industry and other sectors. You can share experiences with other cleaner production professionals in viewpoint, and find useful links and other material in the resources section.

Other Processes that Emit Aerosols, Mists, Fumes


aerosol can filling or crushing

heat treating of metal

Other Processes that Emit Dusts

grinding, sawing, sanding

certain processes at primary metal finishing or foundries

unpaved road dust

Other Processes that Emit Acid Gases

multi-stage parts cleaning with agitated acid baths

Solvent Alternatives Guide (Exit DNR)


On to construction air permit - button

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