Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

Applying For a Construction Permit

Please review the following guidance document. You may choose to print portions of this document. Then continue on to the Section I forms (link below).

NOTE: This is a lengthy document that may be somewhat confusing to you, as it also covers large facilities. Please contact a DNR or Department of Commerce Air staffperson with any questions. There are changes to the fees mentioned - please open and print the accompanying PDF document, "Construction Permit Fees".


Expanding Industry Guidance Document

Categories of Exempt Sources Wisconsin Air Pollution Construction Permit Instructions (PDF, 619 KB) (Exit DNR)Portable Document Format - icon

Amended Air Pollution Construction Permit Fees

Construction Permit Fees (PDF, 89 KB) Portable Document Format - icon

Application Forms (5 Sections)

Air Pollution Construction or Operation Permits all require the same forms be used for the applications. Not every form is required for each application. The forms are grouped into different sections that have similar purposes. Download and save each of the sections that you might need to work with. Each PDF file has form-specific instructions tacked on following the forms themselves. Print off and complete the forms and send in to DNR's Air Program at:

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Bureau of Air Management
Attn: Permits
PO Box 7921
Madison, WI 53707-7921

On to section one forms - button

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