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Construction Erosion Control

A permit is not required if you are disturbing less than one acre. Minimizing land disturbance; however, is vital towards saving dollars associated with landscaping and ongoing maintenance, and protecting watersheds and nearby water bodies.

 By allowing islands of vegetation to remain during construction activities, your small business can save money and protect the watershed and nearby waterways.

commercial building next to water bodyNOTE: If your proposed facility is near surface waters or wetlands you may need a DNR Waterway and Wetlands permit. Please refer to the pop-up link (opens in new window), Waterway and Wetland Permits for more information.

arrow iconWould you like to review pollution prevention options? Click on "P2 Storm water" below to provide you with ideas to reduce your impact on storm water runoff.

If you don't want to review the P2 page, please click on "Skip P2 and Continue" button below. This link will take you to the Operational Storm water Management pages.

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