Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

Tier Three Facilities

Businesses that fall into this tier are the least regulated. Your business falls into the Tier 3 category if:

  • you have no discharges of contaminated storm water (no exposures of storm water to raw materials, intermediate materials or waste),
  • you are able to certify this to the DNR and that,
  • the DNR has inspected your facility and concurs with the certification.

To maintain your Tier 3 certification, please review the chart below for the requirements under Tier 3 then follow the steps immediately following this chart.

Comparison of Industrial Storm Water Discharge
General Permit Requirements by Tier
Tier 1 
Tier 2
Tier 3
Identify & Eliminate
Non-permitted Outfalls
Yes Yes Yes
Follow Good Housekeeping
Yes Yes Yes
Complete Annual Facility Site
Compliance Inspections
Yes Yes Yes
Complete Quarterly Visual
Yes Yes No
Develop a Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan
Yes Yes No
Implement Source-area BMPs
per the SWPPP
Yes Yes No
Perform Annual Chemical
Yes No No
Submit a Permit
Fee Annually


Please review the following requirement:

Annual Facility Site Compliance Inspection (Form 3400-176)

Please contact the storm water management staff covering your business location for additional information or if you have any questions (see link along left margin).

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