Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

Tier Two Facilities

The Tier 2 general permit covers the "light" industries such as furniture manufacturing, printing, warehousing, and textiles.

NOTE: If you are constructing a new facility, portions of your Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) need to be submitted six months prior to commencement of operations.

Please review the chart below for the requirements under Tier 2 then follow the three steps immediately following this chart.

Comparison of Industrial Storm Water Discharge
General Permit Requirements by Tier
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Identify & Eliminate
Non-permitted Outfalls
Yes Yes Yes
Follow Good Housekeeping
Yes Yes Yes
Complete Annual Facility Site
Compliance Inspections
Yes Yes Yes
Complete Quarterly Visual
Yes Yes No
Develop a Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan
Yes Yes No
Implement Source-area BMPs
per the SWPPP
Yes Yes No
Perform Annual Chemical
Yes No No
Submit a Permit
Fee Annually


Please review the following three requirements:

1) Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan and Example Plan

Is to be completed six months prior to the start of construction.


Industrial Storm Water Pollution Prevention Planning Manual

This manual reflects the requirements in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Industrial Storm Water Discharge permit for preparing an industrial storm water pollution prevention plan. The four phases discussed are planning and organization, assessment, plan design, and evaluation and monitoring.

Copies are $3.65 plus tax (if applicable)

Order from:
Document Sales
202 S. Thornton Ave.
P. O. Box 7840
Madison, WI 53707-7840
Credit card orders: 1-800-362-7253
Information: (608) 266-3358

2) Notice of Intent (NOI - Form 3400-163)

(14 KB; Adobe® Acrobat PDF File)

This form is submitted once your Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan and Plan Summary is completed. You will be billed a $100.00 fee when this form is received.

3) Annual Facility Site Compliance Inspection (Form 3400-176)

Quarterly Visual Monitoring (Form 3400-176A)

Please contact the storm water management staff covering your business location for additional information or if you have any questions (see link along left margin).

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