Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer
Generally, the Wisconsin Department of Commerce (COMMERCE) is granted
erosion control authority over commerial building (see statute reference
link - left margin). Federal and state law requires that your business
obtain permit coverage before initial land disturbing activity occurs
if the project will result in 1 or more acres of land disturbance
(1 acre = approx 210 feet by 210 feet of land area).
If your proposed facility is near surface waters or wetlands
you may also need a DNR Waterway and Wetlands permit. Please refer
to the pop-up link (opens in new window), Waterway
and Wetland Permits for more information.
To determine what permits and approvals may be required, please contact a Department of Commerce staffperson(s) (pop-up link to COMMERCE web pages, opens in new window). After you visit the Commerce web site, please select the appropriate button (below) to determine if you need an operational storm water permit.
you like to review pollution prevention options? Click on "P2
Storm water" below to provide you with ideas to reduce your
impact on storm water runoff.
If you don't want to review the P2 page, please click on "Skip P2 and Continue" button below. This link will take you to the DNR Operational Storm water Management pages.