Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer
Topic - Hazardous Waste
Even if your waste is not on a list, it may be hazardous because it exhibits one of four characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity. Review all of your wastes to determine if they are ignitable. If they are ignitable, then check the "Hazardous Waste" box on your waste inventory sheets.
your waste ignitable?
Examples include paint wastes, certain nonchlorinated degreasers or other solvents, adhesives, thinners, and mineral spirits.
Note: Solvents with higher flash points (>140 degrees F) or aqueous alkaline cleaning solutions (detergents) have become available for small parts washers as an alternative to mineral spirits. If appropriate, this substitution could reduce your hazardous waste disposal fees. |
Check your MSDS, the product's label or contact your supplier to help you make a determination. Check out the NIOSH Guide to Chemical Hazards (Exit DNR - press ALT then F4 to close this pop-up window) to assist in determining the flash point of a chemical you may have at your business.