Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer
Topic - Hazardous Waste
Review all of your wastes to determine if they are an acute hazardous waste (refer to pdf below). If they are acute, then check the "Hazardous Waste" box on your waste inventory sheets.
There are certain requirements when a facility generates acute wastes. This is because small quantities of these wastes can be harmful.
To determine if you have an acute hazardous waste, refer to the PDF document,
NR 605.09 Wis. Adm. Code - Identification and Listing of Hazardous
pages 12-13 (F List) and 17-21 (P List) (Exit DNR - press
ALT then F4 to close this pop-up window)
Once you've determined:
- Whether or not you generate an acute hazardous waste and,
- How much acute hazardous waste you generate,
please select the appropriate button below. (If you don't generate acute hazardous wastes, click on the "Less than or equal to 2.2 lbs. per month" button below)