Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer
Section 2 - Stack and Process Information Forms
Section 2 forms are for stack and process information. These forms are needed for each application, but only one for each stack and one for each process. Process forms should be matched to the type of process you operate or are proposing to construct or modify. Pages 15-45 of the Instruction Booklet for Operation Permits have more details on all fields in the forms.
NOTE: Clicking on the form name will provide a drop-down definition box. Clicking on the Form number will provide the form as a printable pdf.
Section II
Stack Identification Form 4530-103 (Fill out one form for each stack
that exhausts significant emissions.)
Emissions Unit Forms (Fill out one for each significant emissions
unit at your facility):
4530-104 Boiler or Furnace Operations
4530-105 Storage Tanks
4530-106 Incineration
4530-107 Printing Operations
4530-108 Painting and Coating Operations
4530-109 Miscellaneous Processes
any stack, roof vent, wall vent, windows and doors, etc. that allow exhaust from each emissions unit to escape to the outside air
4530-103(PDF, 17 KB)
Note: Storage tanks will not have a stack form associated with them. If there are a number of stacks connected to one emissions unit, report them all under one representative stack, and fill out only one stack form. Attach form 4530-135 to further explain this situation. Please include a supplemental list that details the individual stack parameters. Tell us how many stacks are being combined under this "dummy" stack. Use a simple average of each of the stack parameters (height, diameter, flow rate, and temperature) as the representative stack's parameters. Note: The pollutant emission rate should always be the sum total from all stacks involved and not the average -- this information will be used on form 4530-128.
Boiler or Furnace
any unit that burns fuels and is used for heat, process steam or power
4530-104(PDF, 17 KB)
Storage Tanks
tanks used to store organic compounds, such as diesel fuel, gasoline, or different solvents
4530-105(PDF, 25 KB)
solely those used to burn waste, not those used as a control device to destroy organic compound emissions
4530-106(PDF, 19 KB)
any operation which applies inks or other materials to substrates using processes like lithographic, flexographic, rotogravure or screen printing
4530-107(PDF, 22 KB)
Painting and Coating
any operation that applies paints or coatings to a material, such as paper, fabric, metal, plastic, etc. - application methods may include brush, roll, flow coat, spray, electrostatic, powder, etc.
4530-108(PDF, 25 KB)
Miscellaneous Process
any operation that does not fit the other process descriptions
4530-109(PDF, 19 KB)
Process Equipment Forms
Your trade association may be able to help with questions you have on equipment that is frequently used in your industry. Contact them for assistance-
(links to trade associations - future)
Alternative Operating Scenarios
While filling out your application, consider all the different operating scenarios you might want to operate under during the next five-year life of your permit. On some of the forms it is easy to address alternatives. For example, the printing form 4530-107 asks you to give information for all inks you currently use in your press and all inks you may want to use in the press for the next five years. Write "alternative" next to the inks that may be used in the future. Other forms don't lend themselves as easily to describing alternative operating scenarios. In this case, fill out a 4530-135 form for additional information to describe the alternative operating scenario.