Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer
Material Substitution/Pollution Prevention
There are several ways to save money and minimize permitting paperwork depending on whether your business can substitute a process or material to a more environmentally-friendly alternative.If your business has any of the following operations or uses any of the following materials, please read on!
NOTE: For any topic below that does not have a specific link, please check Green Profit : Measures (Exit DNR)
Chromium Electroplating
One of the most successful alternatives to hard chromium electroplating for line-of-sight applications has been High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) technology. See the Hard Chrome Alternatives Team website at (Exit DNR).
The Joint Group on Pollution Prevention has several active projects relating to the replacement of hard chromium electroplating.
See (Exit DNR).
McDermott Technology Inc. is promoting a concept that incorporates grain-refinement and Hall-Petch strengthening techniques with cobalt-based electrolytes. An article revealing the intended implementation at U.S. Dept. of Defense rework, maintenance and manufacturing facilities may be found at (Exit DNR).
Microscaling is a technique used in graduate and undergraduate chemistry laboratories that significantly reduces the amount of air pollution and hazardous waste generated. It is, by definition, a source reduction program. This means that hazardous waste is reduced by avoiding and minimizing its generation. Microscaling is a process that uses smaller (micro) amounts of chemicals where much larger amounts were previously used. (see the following)
Waste Minimization - Laboratories (Exit DNR)