Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

Pollution Prevention Pays - iconAlternative Energy Sources to Save Money and Prevent Pollution

One source of information on wind generation, photovoltaics, solar hot water heating, industrial cogeneration is your local utility company. Your utility company can help you run cost comparisons to determine the source or sources of heating and cooling energy. Using a combination of sources, such as gas, solar and wind generation may be more economical than relying on a single source.

Another source is The Wisconsin Focus on Energy which provides access to energy experts to help you create a plan to add energy savings to your bottom line.

Wisconsin Focus On Energy Website (Exit DNR)

Focus on Energy provides services designed for the small business owner to help save energy and improve the bottom line.Includes information about:

Energy-efficient technologies and techniques,

Facilitation services with state and national efficiency programs,

A variety of financial incentives to help you defray the cost of your energy efficiency plan and,

Technical training and support services

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