Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer

arrow iconDo you have "no more than one of each" or "more than one in any one category" of the following five items?

Please click on the paragraph letter (in parentheses) to read exemption levels. When you have reviewed the entire list, click on the answer at the page bottom.

1) Fuel burning equipment

Fuel burning equipment otherwise exempt under paragraph (a) or paragraph (u).

2) Incinerators

Equipment designed to incinerate solid wastes otherwise exempt under paragraph (b).

3) Storage tanks of organic compounds

Storage tanks of organic compounds with a combined total tankage capacity of not more than 40,000 gallons if not more than 10,000 gallons of the storage tanks' capacity is used for storage of volatile organic compounds.

4) Grain storage facilities

Grain storage facilities otherwise exempt under paragraph (ce).

5) Grain processing facilities

Grain processing facilities otherwise exempt under paragraph (cm).

arrow iconDo you have "no more than one of each" or "more than one in any one category" of the above five items?

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