Small Business Assistance - Permit Primer
Recordkeeping and Other Requirements
Please contact your local DNR Staffperson to verify your exempt status.
Even if your business is currently exempt from air pollution permitting requirements, you will need to keep records to show your exempt status. Please refer to the following fact sheets and spreadsheets to help you keep monthly records on your status.
Reminder: Even if your existing business has an operation permit AND a new unit or project that is EXEMPT from construction permits, you still need to include the new unit(s) as part of your operation permit by using the following forms. |
Other requirements may apply even though a permit is not required for your particular business or activity that creates air pollution. Refer to the following fact sheets to see what areas might affect your business and/or contact DNR Air Program or Department of Commerce Clean Air Assistance staff to make sure you are aware of all the rules that could affect you (PDFs / spreadsheets open in new window):
Clean Air Facts - DNR Inspections (Exit DNR)
(PDF, 36 KB) - A fact sheet describing the things you might expect during an inspection and some items you should be prepared with upon the arrival of the inspector.
Understanding Wisconsin's Hazardous Air Pollutant Rules (Exit DNR)
(PDF, 307 KB) - An instructional booklet to help you through the complex calculations to determine exactly how the state hazardous air pollutant rule applies to you.
Simple Emissions Calculations Worksheet for VOCs and HAPs (Microsoft Excel) (Exit DNR) - An Excel spreadsheet with the basic formulas for keeping records of your monthly VOC and HAP emissions is available to get you started. Save it to your hard drive as soon as the file opens.
Clean Air Facts -
About the Hazardous Air Pollutant Rules in Chapter NR 445 (Exit DNR) (PDF, 53 KB) - A fact sheet describing the state hazardous air pollutant rule in ch. NR 445, Wis. Adm. Code. Includes a description of possible exemptions as well as how the review process works.
Clean Air Facts -
The General Organic Compound Rule in Section NR 424.03 (Exit DNR) (PDF, 48 KB) - Any source with a process line that has organic compound emissions may have to comply with these requirements, and may find this applicable even if they are exempt from an air pollution permit.
Hazardous Air Pollutant List (Exit DNR) - An interactive MS Excel spreadsheet that can show you the thresholds in the state rule for each of the HAPs that you emit. Just place an X in the Select column and then choose the X option from the drop down menu in the top row of that column and only the information on your HAPs should be shown. Save it to your hard drive as soon as the file opens.
Clean Air Facts -
Dust, Smoke, Fumes - Particulate Matter Emissions (Exit DNR) (PDF, 33 KB) - Nearly every industry creates some dust, smoke or fumes. Basic understanding of the regulations can help you deal with yours before DNR receives complaints from your neighbors. This fact sheet summarizes the air pollution requirements for those sources with particulate matter emissions and discusses some of the ways to reduce those emissions as well.