My Computer
I spend much time on my computer. Probably much more than I should, but that is how I learn new things. It's not that I know so much about it, but I am always trying to learn, and so easily forget what I have learned. I'm sure there are many things I could do if I could just learn them. However, I am happy that I am able to do the things that I can. I have taken several courses in the hopes that I could learn more about it, and I believe I have.
I write lots of letters, even though for most people the telephone has replaced letter-writing. With my "Print Shop" I make cards, and enjoy doing them. For Christmas I received a Color Printer and a Print Shop Update. The cards I make look really nice done in color, and everyone whose birthday or anniversary I know gets a card!
Many people today have E-Mail. Up until now I have not attempted that. I guess I would miss my letter-writing if I had E-Mail. I have a sister in St. Louis who communicates with her daughter and her grandchildren by E-Mail. Her grandsons like to talk about their "hip" grandma who is 80 years old and corresponds with them in E-Mail. So far I have also not had the urge to "cruise the Internet". Guess I am a little afraid of it, but maybe some day I will give it a try too.
Dennis and Ruth teach Math at Stout in Menomonie, and with that they get a lot of experience with the computer. I rely on them to help me when I get stuck. I always have a list of questions for them when they come home. They also get extra telephone calls from me. My list is long and waiting for them when they come home for Easter, -April 7, 1996.