- Call to order: Mark Van Hoose, Midwest Area Exec called the meeting to order at 2:45 pm. Jon Williams, the Alternate Midwest Executive was also present.
- Delegates: Secretary did Roll Call and all states were represented.
- Area Elections: Mark Van Hoose, OH, was nominated for Midwest Area Exec. A motion was made that nominations be closed and Mark be eleceted by unanimous vote for the position for Midwest Exec. All in favor, motion carried. Jon Williams was nominated for Midwest Area Alternate. A motion was made and seconded that Jon be elected by unanimous vote for the position for Midwest Exec Alternate. All in favor, motion carried.
- Teresa Lasseter, FSA Administrator-gave the opportunity for questions:
- State Plans- There was no real direction given to the states when formulating plans. DAFO will follow up and ensure that the states are working with all associations.
- Q: At this time the employees feel like we have an advocate but there is concern that many of the things that the COF is doing is not getting credited. Then if this type of work could get credited that administrative dollars could go along with that.
- A: Assure all that everyone who makes the decisions for dollars will be told what FSA really and that FSA does want to be part of the future in the next farm bill.
- Steve Connelly, DAFO. Thanked all for their input.
- John Chott: Assistant to DAFO
- Q: Records moratorium. Will this be lifted?
- A. At this time all records must be kept.
- Steve Sanders-IT Management
- Q: What can be done to prevent other IT migrations occurring during busy times?
- A: Point Taken.
- Q: System Administrator position taken out of county office has caused additional costs to FSA and why does the POC have to be OCIO?
- A: An audit was the cause of the POC taken out of the COF. When OCIO was created, there was a lot of interest in how business practices would be set up. OCIO inherited some bad business practices concerning service delivery. Some things related to security and the current practices did not meet the new standards. Internal control review has determined that password administration should not be done in the COF. Centralized password administration needs to be applied to even the System 36. This is an issue now. Past practices cannot stand. Has less to do with trusting employees and more to do with separation of duties. In the past a condition would be identified and fixed. Now it is looked at as a possible risk factor, vulnerability, or weakness, it has to be corrected. The prevailing idea is that passwords must be centralized to avoid the possibility of risk.
- Q: Timing out of screens has caused problems with GIS and will this also be problems with other programs.
- A: The timing out of the screens was a result of the audit. There may be inconsistency with trying to fix the time out situations. The web based applications must be developed to deal with the time out situation in a manner that does not interrupt applications. If there is not enough communication to maintain the connection, it will disconnect the program you were working in. At this time, there are no solutions. Will have someone look at possibility to hold programs if timed out.
- Q: What is being done with geo-spatial data?
- A: Pilot projects to get GIS integrated with farm records and crop reporting, have found that it is not working at hoped. Right now Washington is back at square one with dealing with geo spatial technology. Specialists are working with ESRI and hopefully will determine that more applications could be used within the system. The amount of data on the system is the cause of the slowness of the system and IT is trying to determine how to make this entire GIS system work better.
- Q: How quickly does Washington become aware of problems in the field.
- A: Many times it is not uncovered until states notify Washington, however, an new alert system has been implemented that should improve the time when IT realizes that there is a problem. Steve is well aware of the web system not working correctly lately.
- Q: How can funding be secured to enable IT to work correctly and provide good reports?
- A: continue to communicate needs with programs and IT issues. Washington doesn’t have an appreciation for reports and queries that are useful tools for the COF. There are many concerns regarding Privacy Issues that must be taken into consideration. If time savings could be translated into dollars, IT would have more of a platform to use for correcting the situation.
- Q: Are still going to have ArcView and ArcMap or will we go to one systems?
- A: Eventually we will use one system, but not until all states have worked through the CLU process.
- Q: How much does it cost per computer?
- A: Based on more of a seat cost rather than a per/computer cost, but there is not a number available at this time.
- Q: When might we get a high speed color printer?
- A: Cost is very prohibitive despite the need.
- Q: What is the proper way to request IT equipment?
- A: There is a notice coming detailing procedure regarding IT maintenance.
- Richard Richardson-OCIO
- Discussed how OCIO is accountable for ALL systems for ALL agencies and this is causing concern with other agencies because they are also held accountable to the standards.
- GIS bandwith is a major factor and part of the process to improve GIS applications. There are some new server capability being explored.
- There are built in on-line alerts in place to notify IT if there is a problem. However, program applications have not been created in such a manner that it can create an effective backup system and this causes problems with the system. Richard described how it works for centralized activities that break down. Individual program applications are more difficult to track problems.
- Funding for computers was cut and $45 million will have to be absorbed by the agency.
- Committee Reports: All complete reports will be published in the NASCOE newsletter.
- Awards: Rosy Kahl, IA Discussed sick leave and the states will certify sick time. Distinguished service awards deadlines were discussed. Herb suggested the deadline remain the same due to time constraints in order to get awards in time for convention. Awards must be certified by state officers, so they cannot be submitted electronically. First timer awards must be turned by noon on Saturday for judging.
- Benefits: Kay Lumsden, MI: Rosie gave the report. Contact state benefits chair and they will get theme park tickets from Kay. Please allow enough time to get the tickets. Coupons are available on NASCOE website. JM Marketing is offering insurance through AFLAC but be sure to compare. JM Marketing will not be requesting a listing of members, but he asked to get list of non-members because that list is significantly less and easier to check. There was discussion on having members sign a waiver option sheet with JM Marketing to allow releasing information. Discussion was held on this issue. This is an issue that needs to be determined. Both recommendations will be taken to the Exec Board.
- Emblems: Mindy Trogdon, IL: Can order convention packets from www.thenascoestore.com. Trying to get FY year lined up with FSA FY. See attached report.
- Membership: Will Herr, IN not present, Jon Williams gave report: Reviewed the report and it will be in the NASCOE newsletter. Discussed the video presentation of awards and all agreed that it was a great enhancement to the award presentation. Cumulative awards will continue to recognize many years of membership. Honorary Life Time cards. Should NASCOE provide the laminated cards and the states order them or should the states download them and print them at the state cost. To be a life-time member, you must pay your dues each year of employment. The only benefit is that the person would given free Discussion was held and a motion was made the that the electronic membership card to sent to the states. Motion carried. Discussion was held on membership committees and that each state should have a committee that would follow up on membership.
- Publicity:Barb Stoll, OH: NASCOE NOW: Discussed archiving national records. Told about area website at www.wiwasocoe.org. Any suggestions or corrections should be sent to Barb. Certificates were given to area publicity judges.
- Scholarship: Tom Oasen, WI; In the event of a tie, the area chairperson will decide the winner. 7:00 is the auction and all proceeds will be used for scholarships. Tom encouraged everyone to bring their checkbooks and buy a lot.
- Legislative: Tammy Eibey, IA: Terry gave a report on pending bills that need to have support in congress. Information is on the website. Kevin Dale, OK, presented information on coalitions. A motion was made to seek a contact in each state and award them at the national level and get travel reimbursement. The committee also encouraged states to build contacts. Legislative Conference: Have to decide if members want a full or mini leg conference. COMMENTS: Feel a need for a full conference in light of the farm bill discussions. Tammy discussed the possible need for fly-in money to be set aside. SUMMARY: recommend a full conference and money to be set aside for possible fly-in. CAPWIZ: need to decide if NASCOE wants to continue at $6,000 for one year, a 5% discount for two years and 10% discount for 3 years for a saving of $2,000. There are currently 2,000 registered users and there were 11,000 messages sent regarding FSA tomorrow. Discussions were held on the effectiveness with CAPWIZ and the usefulness of the program. PAC: RASCOE has been handling publicity for PAC. Do we want to have NASCOE continue to reimburse a RASCOE representative to be at Rallies and conventions? Cost currently is around $2,400. SUMMARY: If favor of continuing to help RASCOE with the cost of sending representatives. INITIATIVES: Tammy reviewed some of the initiatives discussed in the legislative meeting that would be included in discussions regarding the farm bill. There was a lot of discussion on the topics that need to prioritized in the event of either a new farm bill or just an extension. Many points were made regarding what FSA can do and how programs could be administered in a more efficient manner by other agencies, too.
- Programs: No report.
- Negotiations/Consultation: Betsy Mace, IL Had 9 items submitted for negotiation. She discussed how the items were separated and sent on for discussion.
- Committee Chairs were recognized by Jon Williams and thanked for all their hard work. Certificates were presented to all the Area Chairpersons. Membership: Will Herr, IN Emblems: Mindy Trogdon, Legislative: Tammy Eibey, IA, Publicity:Barb Stoll, OH, Awards: Rosy Kahl, IA, Scholarship: Tom Oasen, WI, Negotiations/Consultation: Betsy Mace, IL , Benefits: Kay Lumsden, MI, Programs: Jake Bourget, WI
- Certificates for awards judges were also presented.
- A motion was made and seconded to accept committee reports as presented. All in favor, motion carried.
- NASCOE representation at conventions: a motion will be made at the general session regarding maintaining present policy regarding the officers attending only rallies and area chairs receiving reimbursement. Award winners also to receive travel reimbursement.
- Pictures will be taken at the fountain.
- 2007 Rally: Midwest Area: Will be holding the Rally in Michigan. Will not be a joint rally for next year. Date and location to be announced at a later date. 130 people attending 2006 joint rally. The Administrator, DAFO and program personnel attended the rally.
- Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. All in favor motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 4:15 pm. The banquet and award presentations to be held at 6:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Esselman