The Sheep Buck
We didn't often get to go to neighborhood parties, but were allowed to go to a birthday party one day for a girl in my class at school. We did the usual things at the party and had a good time. Then I had to go to the bathroom. Of course they had only an outhouse, like we did too. I had never gone out the back door at this house before, so I didn't know there was a small shed on the house. In a hurry, I flung the door open, pulling it shut behind me, only to meet fact to face with a big sheep buck lying right in front of the door. I couldn't go back as I had slammed the door, so the only recourse I had was to jump over the sheep buck. I was afraid of him anyway, and no telling what would happen if I fell right on top of him. My sash had caught in the door when it slammed, and as I jumped over the sheep, it tore off and stayed in the door. The sheep never moved, but went right on contentedly chewing his cud. I was afraid to go home with my torn dress that day, but I was more afraid to think what would have happened if I had not cleared the sheep buck as I jumped over. Needless to say, I didn't go back into the house through that door, as I didn't want to encounter that sheep again. I retrieved my sash from the door, and was careful the rest of the afternoon that no one would see my torn dress. Luckily the party was almost over, so I could go home and explain to Mother about my adventure with the sheep buck.