Books were at a premium and as kids, we had very few. The books we had were read over and over until they were memorized. I remember the time we each had one book which was our very own. One sister had "The Easter Bunny", another one had "Skeeziks", and mine was "Little Brown Bear". Since my youngest sister couldn't read yet, I was elected to read her "Bunny Book" to her over and over. Believe it or not, she still has her book. She is now 70 years old. I can still say a good part of it from memory.
Many years later, I found a story book with the story of "The Little Brown Bear" in it. The animals wore the same clothes and all the illustrations were the same. I really treasured that book, as my original book was no longer alive.
Here are some excerpts from that bunny book that I remember:
"Here is bunny in the grass
He is tired for he has
Been as busy as a bee
Laying eggs for you and me.
And while resting thus he thinks
With his eyes he winks and blinks,
His long ears he slowly wiggles,
Then he smiles and then he giggles.
Then he laughs, "Since I am free,
For one year the world I'll see.
Over land and sea I'll roam,
By next Easter I'll be home."
Then he hurries eggs to lay,
Easter eggs his trip to pay.
When he hops on his left leg,
He turns out a yellow egg.
Two hops make them green and blue
It sounds strange, but it is true.
As he came upon a bird's nest, he dropped a blue egg in it in passing. When the bird came back to the nest, the poem continues....
Wild eyes papa vulture makes
And with fear poor mama shakes
"Why", he squeaks, "this egg is blue.
Ma, what's getting into you?"
Then he danced a little later
Danced a jig on the equator
Africa is a hot place
And the sun burned black his face.
If you want to hear more, ask Middy for the book. All I remember.